Small Steps Towards Greatness
One of the reasons we don't make progress in life is because we disregard the power of small daily improvements. We expect giant leaps, sudden miracles and instant breakthroughs. But in truth, the most powerful developments in life are born out of small daily steps towards growth.
If you are performing poorly in school and you want to turn your life around, it won't happen instantly. It will take small daily commitments to study, paying attention during lectures, reading wide and solving questions. By committing to these on a daily basis over time, your mind power builds up and your results begin to improve.
It's the same with every other area of life. If I want to generate massive revenue in my business, there are a couple of times that I will hit the big bucks. But the large part of my income will come through small crumbs pursued and gathered over time.
The same principle applies if I want to save money for a dream say for a car, a wedding or any project of any kind. It also applies to building spiritual capacity. Daily commitments to prayer, Bible study, fasting and fellowship is the key to amassing power.
I'm just a simple beggar showing other beggars how to find bread. If like me, you are still making your climb in life, I humbly propose this to you. Adopt the strategy of going at your dreams one day at a time. Every day, take a small step towards greatness. Keep pushing the wheels of destiny.
Written By: Jeremiah Buabeng