Breakfast With Christ - What Are You Grateful For?
WHAT ARE YOU GRATEFUL FOR? SCRIPTURE: PSALM 86:12 "I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever."
Today is the last day of the year, 2019. If you are still alive and breathing, the you definitely have something to be thankful to God for. It is not about how good or bad the year was, it is about the fact that despite everything, you weren't consumed.
So today, don't focus on the negativity, lift up your hands and be grateful to God. Sleeping and waking up everyday isn't part of your human rights, it is just by the Grace of God. Do we deserve this Grace? Absolutely No. Be thankful.
Today, please spend a minute, look back to January 1, 2019, count your blessings for the past 12 months, name them and you would realize how God has been faithful to you. God has been faithful even when you weren't faithful to Him.
Yes, you had serious challenges. There were times you cried out. There were times you felt lonely and lost. But thank God those situations didn't bury you. So today, don't complain about 2019, be grateful to God His Grace saw you through.