Finding Your Purpose In God
In the part one of this message, we looked at what purpose is and why it is so important for us to find our purpose in life. A purposeless life is a meaningless life. The only thing worse than death is living without a purpose .
A wise man once said "Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it"(Buddha). Everything has a purpose. God didn't create us just to exist and die. We were all born into this world to achieve a specific purpose. To know this purpose must be our foremost duty.
Our purpose is hidden in God. If you want to know the purpose of a Television, all you need to do is to find the maker of the Television and ask him/her. We are all God's creations, to know our purpose in life, the first thing to do is to know the one who gave you the purpose, God. The question is; do you know God?
You cannot find your purpose in life if you don't know God. If you are reading this and you don't know God, I will urge you to get to know God, the Creator of all things. The best way to know God is to read the Bible and meditate on it.
The second step to knowing your purpose is to develop a close and personal relationship with God. It is good to know God but it isn't enough. You need to develop a relationship with this God. God has to become a personal Friend to you. You must be able to communicate with God effectively.
When you get closer to God then you can ask God to reveal your purpose to you. Your purpose in life is more often than not tied to your passion. What are you passionate about? Obviously, our number one purpose in life is to serve God. But there are diverse ways of doing this.
It is possible to live your whole life without fulfilling the purpose of your existence. If you don't know God, you won't know your purpose. If you don't have a relationship with God, He won't reveal your purpose to you. If you die without achieving your purpose on earth, you would have lived a wasted life. By all means, find your purpose and fulfill it.