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6 Reasons Why People Don't Make Progress in Life

1. They have no hunger for success. They have no burning desire to improve their lot in life. They lack drive, desire and determination. 

2. They have no goals. There is no compelling dream they are working to achieve. The few who do have no deadlines or strategies attached to them. A goal without an action plan will most likely not be achieved. 

3. They expect instant miracles and sudden breakthroughs. Most people don't recognize the power of small daily improvements. They expect to improve in their education, career or ministry as a result of sudden providence or luck of the draw than as a result of their daily commitment to improvement. 

4. They don't know their strengths, abilities and talents. The few who do operate in careers or fields that do not take advantage of those talents or abilities. The most effective way to shine in life is to run in the lane of your God-given talents. 

5. They lack discipline. Progress in life will demand discipline in more ways than is normal. It will demand sacrificing sleep and holidays, practicing many times over, studying several hours, giving up certain preferences or appetites, being first to arrive at work and last to leave, persisting over and over again in order to master a thing etc. 

6. They have the wrong habits. People who make progress build their habits around their aspirations. A boxer must build habits that will make him a better boxer. He can't eat every junk food available and wonder why he never became a great boxer. Every aspiration we have in life will demand specific habits.

Writer: Jeremiah Buabeng


+233 244453421

+233 541649981

+233 546260930

Accra, Ghana

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