5 Important Roles in Youth Ministry
One key area of any community is the roles that people play. In youth ministry many youth leaders must come to grips with the reality that they cannot fill every role. What we need to realize is that every person in our community, from volunteer leader to new student, plays a unique role or set of roles.
Roles may be formal like the small group leader or they may be informal like a motivator during an activity. Either way, it is helpful to get an imagination for who is playing what roles in order to encourage talents and gifts.
5 Important Roles in Youth Ministry
Consumer: One who looks for and uses lessons, activities, events and social connections. Creator: One who creates, shares, improves the lessons and leads or fuels discussions. Connector: One who helps others to understand and get connected to others and activities. Carrier: One who takes the groups way of life to other groups through various forms of communication (personal relationships, media, technology, etc.) Caretaker: One who cares for the needs of the group (remembers B-days, visits those who are sick, counsels those who have a conflict, etc.)
Calling Youth through Roles
As you think about each person involved in your community and the roles
that they have played and continue to play, the next step is to think about how you can encourage their gifts and talents through these roles.
As youth and youth leaders get connected to their gifts and talents in meaningful ways they will be able to get a sense of purpose or calling. They will be more likely to see the value of their participation in the life of a community of Jesus followers and so form an identity in Christ. What other roles exist in youth ministry? How can we encourage youth to use their gifts and talents?
Let us know your thoughts.
Written By: Paul Sheneman
Source: https://churchleaders.com/youth