Breakfast With Christ - Draw Closer To God
DRAW CLOSER TO GOD SCRIPTURE: JAMES 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."
As the year draws to a close, so many of us are busy planning for next year. Some of us are also putting our new year resolutions down. One goal many of us would like to achieve next year is to get closer to our maker, God. That is to improve our spiritual lives.
Getting closer to God isn't automatic. It is not something we can only wish for. It demands a lot of work and commitment. Are you ready to work hard to get closer to God? Let's look at 4 things we must do to get closer to God
1. PURIFICATION To draw closer to God, we must surrender our lives totally to Jesus Christ. We must also allow the Lord to purify us from every sin. We must genuinely repent from every sin and be consecrated for God.
2. HAVE A PRAYER LIFE You certainly cannot get closer to God if you don't read your Bible and pray consistently. You must have a consistent prayer life. You cannot draw closer to God if you only read your Bible once in a while. This must change.
3. PUT GOD FIRST Pleasing God must be your greatest priority. Put God first in your life. Nothing should be more important than God to you. God first.
4. AVOID SINFUL RELATIONSHIPS This is very important. Any relationship which doesn't draw you closer to God must be avoided. A sinful relationship is any relationship which pushes you to sin. This kind of relationships must be avoided at all cost if you want to get closer to God.