Breakfast With Christ - Christmas Is About Jesus
CHRISTMAS IS ABOUT JESUS SCRIPTURE: LUKE 1:31 "You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus".
There are lots of issues concerning the 25th December date for Christmas. The truth is that the Bible didn't give any specific period or date for the Lord's birth. So let's leave it as such. Another controversy is that the Christmas period was a Roman pagan celebration for their gods. Well, you and I don't celebrate Christmas because of a pagan Roman god. So that's that.
So why do we celebrate Christmas? These days, the purpose for the season is being undermined. I am very sure there are people in this world who celebrate Christmas but don't even know the reason for the season. It has become all merry making, eating and drinking.
However the reason for the season is the Lord Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter which religion you belong to, Jesus Christ will forever be LORD. He has complete dominion over Heaven and earth, life and death. Jesus is King.
Some years ago, God decided to bless humanity by giving us His Son to die for our sins. In this changing world, we need to continually remind ourselves that Jesus Christ is the only reason for Christmas.
Some may be celebrating Christmas because of other things but for us we celebrate our Saviour Jesus Christ. Christmas isn't a time to get drunk, it isn't just about the merry making, it is a time to thank God for giving us Jesus Christ. Let's celebrate Jesus Christ, He is our eternal salvation.