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Breakfast With Christ - The Faith To Overcome

THE FAITH TO OVERCOME SCRIPTURE: 1 SAMUEL 17:45 "David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."

What do you do when you are faced with a giant? Today, we will look at how David defeated a giant named Goliath.

David was sent on a simple mission to send food to his three brothers that were facing the Philistines. However, that simple errand changed the life of David forever. David was just a young boy when he faced Goliath in battle. He was faced with a giant that even the best trained warrior in Israel could not defeat.

The only experience David had was fighting wild beasts that attacked his sheep. But when God is on your side, your level of experience doesn't matter, God will grant you victory in all situations.

David had the simplest of faith that says "I have God on my side, I am not scared of you". When you are faced with a giant situation, all you need is to believe that God is with you. It doesn't matter how big the situation is, you need to believe that God is bigger. That's the faith you need to overcome.

Whilst Goliath boasted in his physical strength, David boasted in his God. David understood that only God could grant him victory over the giant he was facing. God didn't disappoint David. If you can believe in God today, He will grant you victory over every giant situation you may be facing.

What are you facing today? Remember this; GOD IS ABLE. All you need is that simple faith that refuses to give up. That simple faith that knows and believes that with God, all things are possible. That is the faith you need to overcome every giant in your life. Have faith, God is able.

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