Breakfast With Christ - Prayerlessness Is Dangerous
Prayer is more than just communicating with God. Prayer is an intimate relationship with God. Unfortunately, a lot of us Christians don't pray enough. Some of us have even become very lazy with our prayers.
It is very dangerous not to pray. Prayer is the believer's weapon. Prayer is so important that the Son of God spent a lot of time in prayer whilst on earth. When we relax in prayer, we hand over our authority to the enemy.
There is nothing like too much prayer. Prayer is a necessary tool to achieve daily victories in life. We must always pray. We must pray when things look fine with us and we must also pray when things are hard for us.
We must not pray only when we feel like praying. We must develop a proper life. Jesus started with prayer and ended His earthly mission with prayer. Prayer is the master key. No matter what the situation is, just pray and believe.
If you have relaxed in your prayer life, I what to encourage you to wake up. A lot of things go wrong when we don't pray. Please get up and pray. Pray consistently. No matter how tired you are, never stop praying. No matter the situation, pray. Keep praying and believing. God is able.