Breakfast With Christ - Living For God
LIVING FOR GOD TEXT: 1 CORINTH.10:31 "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
Living for God is the primary duty of every Christian. We were saved from darkness to live for God. Living for God entails a lot. It isn't just about being regular at church. The first step towards living for God is to surrender.
SURRENDER TO GOD To surrender to God is to wholly give your life to God. Not some aspect of your life but your whole life. God doesn't want to be a part of our lives, He wants to be our Life. It is either we fully give our lives to God or we don't give Him any part at all.
You cannot live for God if your life is under the control of Satan. You cannot live for God if you are being a part-time Christian. You cannot live for God if carnal pleasure is your priority in this life. If money is your god, you cannot live for God.
Living for God means making God your priority in life. Your heart has to be directed towards God. If you are not yet born again, please get born again and receive Christ into your life. Surrender your life to Jesus Christ.
If you are already a Born Again Christian, please walk well with God and be faithful. If you have backslided, please renew your commitment to God today and decide to live for God.
It is never enough to just go to church. You must be committed to Christ. A life surrendered to Christ is a life worth living. Stay blessed.