Breakfast With Christ - Look To Jesus And Live
LOOK TO JESUS AND LIVE SCRIPTURE: NUMBERS 21:8 "And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live".
Throughout the Israelites journey through the wilderness to their promise land, God had constantly warned them about their disobedience. Yet, God's people continued to sin. One day, God decided to punish them for their sins by sending a snake to bite them.
When they realised their sins, they cried out to Moses. Moses interceded on their behalf and God directed Moses to make a bronze image of a snake and hang it on a pole. Anyone who was bitten and looked upon the snake was healed.
The hanging of the serpent on the pole foreshadowed the crucifixion of Jesus Christ over thousand years later. In John 3:14, Jesus said, "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up". Just like the Israelites, all we need to do is to look to Jesus and be saved.
Looking to Jesus requires faith and belief. We need to believe in the price Jesus paid for our sins. That is how we can be saved from our sins. It is that simple. If you want to be saved from your sins, just look up to Jesus and believe in Him. That's all.
Today, I want to urge you to look to Jesus and be saved. Whatever you are going through, just look to Jesus and He shall save you. If you are overburdened, worried and scared, just look to Jesus. If you are sick and cast down, just look to Jesus and live. Jesus is our all, Jesus is our everything.
No one can save you except Jesus Christ. Amulets, charms, beads, rings or mallams don't have any power to save you. They will only deceive you and destroy you. Only Jesus can save you. You need to look to Jesus Christ now. There is no other way. ONLY JESUS SAVES.
Look and live my brother, look to Jesus now and receive the help you need. If He loved you that much to die for you, then He can do anything for you. Just believe and look to Him now. Stay blessed.
PRAYER LINE Lord, I believe you can save me, please I am looking up to you. Amen.