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Breakfast With Christ - It Is Not Too Late

IT IS NOT TOO LATE SCRIPTURE: LUKE 23:42-43 "Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. ” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Welcome to BWC. Today, we look at the remarkable story of how a criminal found his salvation at the point of death.

Jesus was hanged at a place called "Golgotha". This was a place where hardened criminals met their death by hanging on a cross. It was a shameful death. Jesus Christ who was not found guilty of any wrong doing was hanged with two other criminals who were guilty to the core.

The two criminals had one destiny, death. Their lives on earth were over. They were condemned by the Jewish law. However, they had the Lord of Grace in their midst. Both of them had their last chance to repent and be saved. Sadly, it was only one of them that made use of that opportunity and he got saved at the last hour. It is never too late to go back to God.

Perhaps, you feel God is done with you. Your sins are countless. You have even given up on any chance of salvation. You have believed the lie that God hates you because you are a sinner. You have condemned yourself. You feel worthless and dirty before God. The good news is, you are the reason Jesus came to die.

God loves you that much to give up His son for you. God doesn't hate you. He loves you. If you have breath today, it is an opportunity for you to finally get it right with God. No matter how far you have gone into sin, there is a way back for you. That way is called Jesus Christ. It is not too late for you to come back to God.

It is not too late for you to experience the amazing saving Grace of God. The Grace that redeems, forgives and cleanse us from our sins. Being broken isn't a weakness, it is an indication that you need God. Don't give up on yourself, God can turn your life around. Just decide today to get back to God and your life will never be the same again. It is not too late for you.

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