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Breakfast With Christ - The Heart Of Gratitude


TOPIC: THE HEART OF GRATITUDE SCRIPTURE: LUKE 17:15 "And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God".

One day, Jesus Christ healed ten lepers. However only one of them returned to show gratitude. This surprised the Lord so much. God always expects us to be grateful for whatever blessing we have.

Most of us do not possess the heart of gratitude because we always want more and more of everything. We are never content. When was the last time you genuinely spent time in prayer just thanking God?

Our prayers have become "give me this" and "give me that" prayers. We hardly appreciate what God is doing in our lives. We need to appreciate every little blessing God has given us.

You may not be as rich as you want to be, but you are blessed to be alive today. Sleeping and waking up isn't part of your human rights, it is just by the Grace of God. You need to be grateful.

You may not have all the answers to your prayers but there are things you have that you didn't pray for. Be grateful to God. Instead of worrying and complaining, be grateful. Everything we have is just by the Grace of God.

Today, please develop the heart of gratitude. Be grateful to God. You have the breath of life, be grateful. Being grateful for what you have brings more blessings. Learn to say "thank you Lord".

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