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Breakfast With Christ - An Unchanging God


TOPIC: AN UNCHANGING GOD. SCRIPTURE: MALACHI 3:6 "For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed."

Welcome to BWC. We serve the God that does not change. In a world where everything is quickly changing around us, we are very blessed to have the God that never changes. Let's look at the words of the first verse of the popular Christian hymn, "Through all the Changing Scenes of Life".

"Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ."

Yes, we go through changing scenes of life. People change in their attitudes towards us, close friends today become mere acquaintances tomorrow. Everything around is changing. The world is becoming darker and darker. Love is dying out. Nothing is permanent in this world.

Yet in all these, we serve an ever-lasting God who never changes. His mercies endures forever. He is the ancient of days, the God of all the ages. He exists outside of time, He is not controlled by time. He is the Alpha of our lives and The Omega of our lives. He changeth not.

God's love for you and me never changes. Humans may stop loving you, friends may leave you, your relationships may fail but God's unconditional love for you remains the same. God's love for us isn't dependent on what we do or don't do. He is the unchanging God.

Only this unchanging God is worth our total trust and faith. If you put your trust in money, your money will fail you. If your trust is in humans, they will fail you miserably. Money only gives you comfort, but God gives you life. Trust in God.

God is God. In good times, He is God. In bad times, He is still God. When we are holy, He is God, when we sin, He is still God. His love for you doesn't change. In a fast changing world, I want to urge you to put your trust in this unchanging God. Be faithful to this God and you shall see His Glory in your life. Stay blessed.

PRAYER LINE Lord, I thank you for your unchanging love in my life. Amen.

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