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Breakfast With Christ - Salvation, The Priority


TOPIC: SALVATION, THE PRIORITY SCRIPTURE: PHILIPPIANS 2:12b "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling".

In this life, everyone has a priority. For some, their priority is to live a very comfortable life. For others, their priority is to be very rich. In all these, we must not forget that our salvation is more important.

No matter what we seek to achieve in this world, we must not ignore our salvation. Our souls must be saved for eternity. This world is full of temporary things. Nothing in this world is worth sacrificing our eternal lives for.

As we live each day, we must work out our salvation. We don't have time, life is short. Today we are here, tomorrow we are gone. Let's focus on our salvation. We will leave behind everything on this earth, our salvation will be the only thing that matters.

Let's not be distracted. Our salvation has to be our priority. Attending church is good, but we must be saved. All the singing and dancing at church is okay but we must be saved. We must be saved through Jesus Christ.

Only Jesus gives meaning to our lives. Our lives on earth would be wasted if we don't get saved for Heaven. You must be saved. You must be saved now. Tomorrow might just be too late.

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