Breakfast With Christ - Get Up. Keep Walking.
TOPIC: GET UP. KEEP WALKING. SCRIPTURE: 1 JOHN 2:1 "My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous".
As a Christian, what do you do when you fall deeply into a sin? To recover from a fall is not an easy thing. Some unfortunately choose to remain in the guilt of their sins. But God expects us to get up when we fall.
2 Samuel 11 recorded the story of how David slept with Bathsheba and killed her husband. It was a terrible mistake. David had fallen into a great sin. God wasn't pleased. But the story didn't end there. David knew how to recover from a fall. He genuinely repented and God forgave him.
One major story surrounding the death of Jesus Christ was how Peter denied the Lord three times. Peter had fallen, but he was sorry. After Jesus resurrected, Peter was re-united with the Lord.
These are just two examples of people who had fallen into sin but managed to get up and kept walking. The worst thing about a sin is not repenting from the sin. God is ever ready to forgive us if we would genuinely repent from our sins.
Perhaps, as you are reading this now, you are battling with a sin in your life. Please don't remain in that sin. Don't allow the guilt of your mistakes to keep you down. Please stop wallowing in self pity and guilt. God is willing to forgive you. Just repent.
You don't have to sit in a sin when Jesus had already died for you. Get up today and keep walking. Yes you fell, but don't remain fallen. God is merciful. He will forgive you if you would repent genuinely.