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Breakfast With Christ - Little Foxes


TOPIC: LITTLE FOXES SCRIPTURE: SONG OF SOLOMON 2:15 "Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom".

Welcome to BWC. In our scripture for today, the writer(one of Solomon's bride to be) talks about little foxes. In those days, foxes are seen as destructive animals that destroys crops before they blossom. This lover of King Solomon was worried about the destructive nature of the little foxes so she was asking her lover to catch the foxes before they destroy their vineyard. Vineyard is a plantation where the grape fruit is cultivated.

In our lives as Christians, we need to watch out for those little foxes. Those little foxes have the tendency of destroying our relationship with God. Many a time, it isn't even the big things that destroy us, but the little things we take for granted.

We often focus so much on avoiding the "big" sins such as adultery, fornication, murder, stealing, idolatory etc. But the so called "small" sins we usually take for granted are the ones that will eventually destroy us.

One of those little foxes we need to watch carefully is unforgiveness. Someone has hurt you badly, you are so disappointed, so you feel the person doesn't deserve your forgiveness. It seems justified but it is not. Unforgiveness is a deadly sin that keeps us away from God. Please deal with this little fox before it destroys you.

Another little fox is laziness. We often feel lazy to read our Bible, pray or even go to church meetings. This kind of laziness seems normal. But very soon, your inability to spend good time with God will destroy you. It will take you far from God. Please deal with this little fox called laziness before it grows.

Let us all identify those little foxes in our lives and deal with them. Little foxes grow if they are not dealt with. What are those small habits that keep you away from God? Please deal with them now before they destroy your relationship with God. Stay blessed.

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