Breakfast With Christ - Living In Love
TOPIC: LIVING IN LOVE SCRIPTURE: "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love".
LOVE IS A COMMAND In Matthew 26, our Lord gave us two commandments: LOVE YOUR GOD AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. The truth is it is impossible to be a Christian if you don't walk in love. God is love, whoever does not love does not know God. It is that simple.
LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Your neighbor is anyone who comes into your life. This is a command we mostly ignore. As a Christian, do you really love your neighbor? Are you walking in love?
Jesus walked in perfect love. It was this same love that kept Him on the Cross. But as His followers, are we truly walking in love? If we are, then why all the envy, bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness?
FORGIVENESS IS LOVE Unfortunately, there are lots of us Christians today who harbour a lot of bitterness and unforgiveness in our hearts against others. Is that love? Even in the body of Christ, love is almost absent. Why do we live like unbelievers?
Why do we live in bitterness and hatred and still say we are Christians? What at all has that lady/man done against you that you can't forgive? To forgive is to love. If God forgives our sins every day, why can't we forgive others? To be like Jesus is to walk in perfect love and forgiveness.
Friend, please don't keep bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart. Let it go. No matter what the issue is, please let it go. UnForgiveness is a killer. It is a destroyer. You have held that unforgiveness in your heart for too long, please let it go today and let Jesus cleanse your heart.