Breakfast With Christ - Teach Us To Number Our Days
TOPIC: "TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS" SCRIPTURE: PSALM 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom".
Psalm 90 is one of the oldest psalms written by Moses. The whole of Psalm 90 is popularly called the prayer of Moses. In verse 12, Moses made a special request before God. What did Moses mean by "teach us to number our days"?
LIFE IS SHORT When the Psalmist said "Teach us to number our days", He wasn't asking God to help us count our days numerically. He was asking God to help us understand that life is short. We are here today, we are gone tomorrow.
WE DON'T HAVE TIME It is said that the only thing guaranteed after birth is death. It is very important we understand that we don't have enough time on earth. We need to wake up everyday knowing that it could be our last day on earth hence we need to live well.
BE PREPARED FOR ETERNITY "Teach us to number our days" means God should help us to always be prepared for eternity. None of us knows the day God will call us into eternity. It can happen at any moment hence we need to be adequately prepared always.
SEEK CHRIST WHILST YOU HAVE BREATH The best way to prepare for eternity is to give our lives to Christ and live for Him whilst we have breath. It is not enough to say we are Christians, we must live as Christians. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, we can't boast of tomorrow. Please live for Jesus whilst you still have breath today. Tomorrow might be too late.