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Breakfast With Christ - It Is Well


TOPIC: IT IS WELL SCRIPTURE: 2 KINGS 4:26 "Please run now to meet her, and say to her, ‘ Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?’ ” And she answered, “ It is well.”

2 Kings 4 has one of the most amazing stories in the Bible. This story inspires faith. (Please kindly read the full story from 2 Kings 4:8-34.)

There was this shunammite woman who was kind to Prophet Elisha. So the prophet blessed her with a son. The little boy however died and the woman went to see Elisha. Even though this woman just lost her only son, she maintained her faith. When asked what was wrong, she only said "It is well. At the end, her faith worked for her and she got her miracle.

"It is well" isn't just a verbal declaration. It isn't just a comforting song we sing when we are sad. "It is Well" is a faith declaration that says even though things don't appear well now, once God is with me, it is well.

Faith doesn't speak what it sees or feels. Faith speaks what God can do about a negative situation. It isn't about how you feel. It isn't about the negative things you see around you. Faith is about believing in the ability of God to turn every negative situation around.

When in a difficult situation, remember God is with you so it is well. When life turns against you, it is well because you have God with you. The storms may be high but the Most High God shall calm the storms for you.

Don't just say "it is well", you must believe it is well. You must trust God to deliver you. Whatever your issue may be, it is well with your soul. Maintain a positive confession of your faith in God and He will come through for you.

This morning, I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that it is well with you no matter how hard the situation may be. God shall wipe away your tears and grant you victory in Jesus' name.

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