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Breakfast With Christ - Crucify The Flesh


TOPIC: CRUCIFY THE FLESH SCRIPTURE: GALATIANS 5:24 "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires."

The word "flesh" as used in this context refers to the human sinful nature. To crucify the flesh is to gain spiritual control over the sinful desires of our flesh. The process of gaining control over our flesh could be very slow, painful, uncomfortable but at the end, it is worth it.

SAYING "NO" TO SIN To crucify the flesh is to learn to say no to any thing sinful. The temptations will come. But temptation itself is not a sin until we give in to it. You cannot crucify the flesh if you fall for every temptation that comes your way. We must learn to say No to sin in any form.

IT IS A DAILY AFFAIR. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31 "I die daily". Crucifying the flesh isn't a one-off activity we engage in. It is a daily activity. We need to die to our fleshy desires and lust every day. It is daily battle. The good news is God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has already given us the power over sin. We just need to exercise that power.

IT IS WORTH IT Walking in holiness and godliness isn't easy. It is very difficult. There will be down moments. You might fall once in a while. But don't give up trying to live for God. It is a firm commitment to reject sin and walk in obedience to God's Word. At the end, it will be worth it. God will reward you immensely.

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