Breakfast With Christ - Activating The Power of God
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"
Every true born Again child of God has the power of God inside him/her. But that power will remain dormant and unused if not activated. Today, we look at two ways we can activate the power of God in us.
PRAYER As a Christian, do you honestly have an effective prayer life? How often do you pray? How much time do you give to God in prayer? There is a lot of power in prayer. Prayer activates the power of God in us. If you are not praying, you are losing a lot.
You cannot establish a relationship with God if you only pray when you feel like praying. No. Praying shouldn't depend on your feelings, it has to be consistent and very habitual. You cannot walk in the power of God if you are lazy in praying. Pray at all times.
HOLINESS No matter how powerful your prayers are, no matter what you do for God each day, if you don't live in holiness, you are just wasting your time. When we walk in holiness and godliness, we activate the power of God in us.
The most powerful Christian is that christian who walks in holiness. Satan hates holiness. We can never walk in God's power, if we live in worldliness and sin. You must be holy if you really want to experience the power of God in your life.
A lot of us Christians are powerless and ineffective because we do not walk in holiness and we simply don't have a prayer life. There is a lot you can achieve with God if only you will do away with the worldliness and walk in holiness.