Breakfast With Christ - Are You A Virgin?
Today, we look at one of the most important parables ever told by Jesus Christ.
The story of the ten virgins who were waiting for their bridegroom.
One important thing to note about this parable is that all the ten ladies were virgins. This is a parable which means Jesus' words have deeper meaning. Why did the Lord qualify the ladies to be virgins?
Looking at the parable carefully, Jesus' use of the term virgin was metaphorical. The Lord used the term to refer to purity, not just sexual purity but purity and holiness in all aspects of life. The term virgin here isn't just about sexual purity.
This parable teaches one simple lesson: we cannot have access to the Kingdom of God if we are not pure and Holy. God expects us to be pure and Holy in all things. This is a necessary criteria to gain entry into Heaven.
It is virtually impossible to please God without Holiness. This world has enough filth to contaminate our spirituality. Sin is very common now. Unfortunately, a lot of us Christians are contaminating ourselves with the carnality of this world. We cannot get to Heaven like this.
Are you a virgin? Are you practicing holiness? Are you living for God? The penalty for missing Heaven is so deadly that you cannot allow the things of this world to contaminate you. Please stand well for God. Separate yourself from this world and be Holy.