Breakfast With Christ - The Faith That Endures
TOPIC: THE FAITH THAT ENDURES SCRIPTURE: JOB 13:15 "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him"
When you think about a faith that has endured a lot of hardship in the Bible, one name that easily comes to mind is Job. The story of Job is such an amazing story of how to have complete faith and trust in God.
Job had everything. He was blessed beyond measures. Then one day, he lost everything, yes everything including all his children. Later, his friends and his own wife turned against him. Yet Job refused to give up on God. That is faith.
We live in a time when many of us have become fair-weather Christians. We only have faith when everything is fine in our lives. When things go wrong, we quickly blame God and begin to doubt His existence. We don't have enduring faith.
The story of Job teaches us one thing, God is God even in our worst moments. We need to trust in God even when nothing seems to be working for us. We need the faith that endures all things.
The Christian life isn't a bed of roses. Things will get hard for you. You will face life ending challenges. It will seem the whole world is against you. Would you still worship God even when it seems He has forsaken you? Do you have the faith that can endure all things?
When the storms rise against you, will your faith in God remain strong? We need to build an unbreakable faith in God. Faith that refuses to give up even when we are down. Faith that won't crumble when things are hard for us.
Job had an enduring faith in God and at the end, God restored all that he had lost. God never disappoints anyone who believes in Him. God cannot fail. Failure is below God. When you trust Him completely, He will surely deliver you no matter how long it will take. Have faith.
May God give us the faith that endures all things. Amen