Breakfast With Christ - Whom Do You Serve?
TOPIC: WHOM DO YOU SERVE? SCRIPTURE: LUKE 16:13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
In Jesus' message, He used money/wealth to symbolize material things. Clearly, what Jesus was telling us is that we cannot be materialistic and still claim we serve God.
Was Jesus against having money? Obviously not. But He was against the money replacing God in our lives. When the desire to get money controls everything you do, then money has become your god. If you're ready to do anything just to get money, you are serving money. If becoming wealthy is your main priority in this life, money is your god.
This isn't only about money but material things in general. We cannot love material things and still claim we love God. The Bible clearly instructed Christians not to love the world nor the things of the world(1 John 2:15-17).
It is not about how regular we are in church services, if we love the world or material things, we are deceiving ourselves, the love of God is not in us. We cannot belong to the world and still belong to God. We need to choose one.
We cannot go to the night club on Saturdays and go to church on Sundays. We cannot go to "juju" men for protection or money and still claim we worship God. A Christian cannot be engaged in the pleasures if this world and still claim to be a Christian. No. That is self deceit.
Each one of us need to decide where we belong. Either to the world or to God. We cannot belong to both. Only God deserves our full loyalty.