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Breakfast With Christ - The Visa To Heaven


TOPIC: THE VISA TO HEAVEN SCRIPTURE: 1 JOHN 5:12 "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life".

One basic requirement to gain entry into another country is to have a visa. This is also true for Heaven. Heaven is a prepared place for God's people. Humans have devised so many ways to God but there is only one true way; Jesus Christ.

You cannot get to Heaven without Jesus Christ. That is the simple but hard truth. God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life in Heaven(John 3:16).

Jesus Christ is the ONLY visa to Heaven. Going to Heaven isn't really about church attendance, it isn't really about how active you are in the church, it isn't about the fatness of your offertory or your tithe. It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We must move beyond religion to having a true personal relationship with the Lord. Jesus Christ can be a lot of things to you but the most important is that you must accept Him as your Saviour.

It is very possible to be very religious and still not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. It is very possible to be very kind and generous and still not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You must live for Jesus.

Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? It is easy to say Yes to this. But be very sure. The mistake of missing Heaven is one mistake that you can never correct. Please have a relationship with Jesus Christ today and live for Him.

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