Breakfast With Christ - The Natural Man
TOPIC: THE NATURAL MAN SCRIPTURE: 1 CORINTHIANS 2:14 "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Welcome to BWC. Apostle Paul in his letter to the church at Corinth used the term "natural man" to describe anyone who doesn't have the Spirit of God. Let's look deeper into who the natural man is.
The natural man is opposed to the spiritual man( a person who has the spirit of God). The natural man is born naturally into this world and hasn't been born again in Christ Jesus. As such, the things of God are foolishness to him/her.
The natural man is a sinner. The natural man is driven by three forces: lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. The natural man has no relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The natural man lives for himself/herself.
The worst part of being a natural man is that you have no eternal life in Christ. A natural man sins habitually and has no inheritance in Christ. The natural man is a lost man who is at the mercy of Satan and his demons.
The natural man doesn't have the Spirit of God, as such he/she cannot discern spiritual things. The natural man may be a regular church attendee but he/she has no relationship with God. Sin controls him/her.
If you are reading this right now and you haven't yet given your life to Jesus Christ, you are a natural man. You have no inheritance in Christ. You have no eternal life in Heaven. God is through this message inviting you to surrender to Jesus Christ now.
You can change your status from being a natural man to being a spiritual man by giving your life to Jesus Christ today and allowing the Spirit of God to live in you. Just pray and ask God to forgive you of your sins. Ask the Lord to come and renew your life. Please don't postpone this. God bless you.