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Breakfast With Christ - The Fig Tree


TOPIC: THE FIG TREE SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 21:19 "And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away".

Welcome to BWC. The most popular question that anyone who reads the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree askes is why did the Lord curse the fig tree?

One day, Jesus saw a fig tree which had leaves even though it wasn't in its season. The presence of the leaves made Jesus felt He could get some fruits from it. However, when the Saviour got closer to the tree, He realized the tree had no fruits. So he cursed it and it died completely. What are the lessons?

1. GOD HATES FRUITLESSNESS "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful". God expects His children to bear fruits in His name. Not just any fruits but good fruits. God hates it when we are unproductive. In John 15, Jesus made it clear that any of His followers who do not bear fruits will be cut off by God. This warning should wake us up.

As Christians, God expects us to bear fruits of love, kindness, patience and peace. Also, He expects us to bear fruits wherever we find ourselves. God expects us to be productive at our work places and in our careers.

More importantly, God expects us to draw others to Christ. This is done through actively propagating the Gospel of Christ and through our lifestyles. Our lives must win souls for Christ.

2. THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD One very important lesson we must learn from Jesus' cursing of the fig tree is that God will condemn us if we don't bear fruits. Jesus also alerted us of this danger in John 15:2.

Our lives need to bear fruits for God. As believers, we need to live exemplary lives for others to see. God has invested in us, we need to yield fruits for Him.

The questions we need to ask ourselves is this: is my life bearing fruits for God? Which kind of fruits am I bearing for God? Will God be proud of the kind of life I am living now? Let us learn from the fig tree and be fruitful in our lives.

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