Breakfast With Christ - The Last Days
TOPIC: THE LAST DAYS SCRIPTURE: 2 TIMOTHY 3:1 "This know also, that in the last days difficult times shall come".
Welcome to BWC. The Bible used the term "The Last days" to describe the period that precedes the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth is the second coming of Christ is very imminent. We are in the last days.
All the signs of the Last days foretold in the Holy Bible are happening now. There are lots of false prophets who are deceiving many people. These days, many Christians are falling away from the faith, men have become wicked, these days, we love pleasure more than God. Please read Matthew 24.
BE READY In all these, Jesus has a very important message for us in Matthew 24:44 "Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect". The question is "are you ready for the second coming of the Lord"?
The truth is the time to be ready is now. When that day comes, there won't be time to be ready. We must prepare to meet our God. We must take our salvation seriously. Let's not relax. We are in very difficult times.
The rapture of the saints of God is imminent. It can happen at any moment. Be ready. Let's not deceive ourselves with false spirituality. God expects us to be holy. Holiness is the only thing that will get us to God.
Life itself is very short. Death is inevitable. As such, we must always be ready to meet God. Missing Heaven is an eternal calamity that we must avoid at all cost. Let us lay aside every sin that easily entangles us. Let us work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
Eternity is forever. Nothing in this life is worth sacrificing your eternal life for. There is no price that is too high to pay to live for God. Cut off all distractions. Focus on Jesus Christ and your salvation. Always be prepared to meet your God. The time to prepare is now.