Breakfast With Christ - University of Adversity
TOPIC: UNIVERSITY OF ADVERSITY SCRIPTURE: 2 TIMOTHY 2:3 “Thou therefore endure afflictions, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”
Welcome to BWC. In Paul's second letter to Timothy, Paul encouraged us to endure afflictions. An affliction is anything that causes us pain or harm. The Christian's journey is tough. It is full of difficult moments.
To become a true soldier of Christ, you would have to pass through God's university of adversity. This a place where God trains His children to become stronger, to trust Him more and to depend only on Him.
God will not always take you through smooth roads. Sometimes, God will take you through difficult situations to build you up. Before Joseph became the leader of Egypt, the Will of God took him through a pit, slavery and a prison(Genesis 39).
The Will of God didn't stop Meshack, Shadrack and Abednego from being thrown into the fire(Daniel 3). The Will of God didn't stop Daniel from being thrown into a lion's den(Daniel 6). But the Will of God kept them from being destroyed. God has a way of getting us to trust Him.
A walk with God isn't comfortable. It isn't an easy walk. But walking with God will get you to your destination safely. There will be difficult times. Temptations will come along the way. But don't give up when God is training you. Trust in God.
If you are a Christian but you are a going through a difficult moment now, remember this, God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers. You need to stop complaining and trust in God. Remain faithful till the end. God will come through for you.
It takes absolute faith and patience to survive God's university of adversity. Don't rush the process. Trust in God. Be patient with God. The pain you are going through now is God's way of giving you a testimony. Hold on to God. Trust Him. He won't fail you. God bless you.