Breakfast With Christ - The Saviour's Hand
TOPIC: THE SAVIOUR'S HAND SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 14:31 "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
Welcome to BWC. Matthew 14 records the amazing story of how Jesus saved Peter from drowning. Peter was walking on the water to Jesus but when he saw the storm, he got scared and began to sink. But Jesus stretched His hand and saved him.
The amazing thing about this story is that the storms couldn't sink Peter as long as he kept his focus on Jesus. He only began to sink when he shifted his focus from Jesus and began to focus on the storms around him. There is a lesson in here for us.
The issues of this world cannot sink you as long as Jesus remains your focus. As a Christian, it is very important you keep your eyes on Jesus. Don't allow the storms around you to distract you. Refuse to focus on your problems.
Just like Peter, some of us are going through storms that are sinking us. Today, the out-stretched hand of Jesus is there to pull you out. Look to Jesus and live. Call upon Jesus and He shall save you.
Are you sinking deep into sin? Is it an addiction you have tried hard to stop but haven't been able to stop? The hand of Jesus is stretched now to pull you out. Just call upon Him and focus on Him.
No matter how deep you have sunk, Jesus can pull you out. No matter how broken your health is, Jesus can save you. Just hold onto His hand. Jesus can fix your messed up life. Just call upon Him today.
Don't give up on yourself. There is hope for you in Christ. The storms of life may be sinking you but Jesus can save you. Focus on the Lord not the storms. Hold on to Jesus Christ, He is your only hope.