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Breakfast With Christ - Kingdom Business


TOPIC: KINGDOM BUSINESS SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..."

Welcome to BWC. This is the final part of our series on "God's Kingdom". Today, we look at the most important business or priority of God's Kingdom.

Matthew 28:19 was the last and most important instruction our Lord Jesus Christ gave to His disciples before He ascended into Heaven. In this scripture, Jesus laid down the priority of God: SOUL WINNING.

Jesus was born to save us from our sins. He lived to establish God's business on earth. From the scriptures, there is nothing more important to God than the Salvation of humanity. This was Jesus' main priority on earth. This is God's Kingdom number one business.

Before Jesus left this earth, He handed over this business to His followers. The reason we still have the Gospel of Jesus Christ today is because the early disciples continued Jesus' business of winning souls.

If you are a follower of Christ, you must make God's business your business. If soul winning is God's priority, then it has to be your priority too. People can only be saved when they hear the Gospel, it is our responsibility to tell the world the Gospel.

Today, please decide to make God's business your business. Make it a priority to tell someone about Jesus Christ each day. It is your duty as a Christian to spread the message of God's Grace. This is the Kingdom business and it has to be your business too.

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