Breakfast With Christ - Holiness: God's Standard
TOPIC: HOLINESS: GOD'S STANDARD SCRIPTURE: LEVITICUS 20:26 "Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine."
Welcome to BWC. Today, we look at the standard for God's Kingdom as part of our series on "God's Kingdom". Every kingdom has rules. God's Kingdom isn't an exception. Holiness is the standard God has set for His people.
Leviticus 11:44, Leviticus 11:45, Leviticus 19:2, Leviticus 20:7, Leviticus 20:26 and 1 Peter 1:15 teach us two things: the first is, GOD IS A HOLY GOD. The second is, GOD WANTS HIS PEOPLE TO BE HOLY.
Holiness is God's standard for His Kingdom. Every citizen of God's Kingdom is expected to abide by this standard. You cannot walk with God and still dwell in sin. Being holy or living a holy life is the only way we can please God.
Our worship of God, our service to God and our church activities will all be very useless if we don't abide by God's standard of HOLINESS. God expects total obedience from His children.
Our personal weaknesses don't nullify God's standard of Holiness. A weakness is not an excuse to live in sin. Holiness is a standard we must measure up to. God doesn't reduce His standard for anybody irrespective of our human weaknesses.
You cannot serve a holy God if you are not living a holy life. Impossible. So this is it, if you want to be part of God's Kingdom, you must strive to be holy. God knows you can't do it alone. That's why He gave us His Holy Spirit to assist us.
"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord(Hebrews 12:14). It is either we live a holy life or we forget about Heaven. God expects us to be holy.