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Breakfast With Christ - Born Again (Part 2)


TOPIC: BORN AGAIN II SCRIPTURE: JOHN 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life".

Welcome to BWC. This is the second part of our series on "Born Again". Today, we look at why it is so important we get born again and how we could get born again.

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO GET BORN AGAIN In John 3:3, Jesus made it very clear to us that unless one is born again, he/she cannot enter into the kingdom of God. All of us were born with the sin of Adam being our nature. The only remedy for that inherited sin is the Blood of Jesus.

Until we are washed with the Blood of Christ, we cannot enter into Heaven. Jesus died and resurrected to save us from our sins. But if we don't renounce our sins and accept Jesus' sacrifice, we will perish in hell. Being born again is the only way we can escape the judgement of God.

HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN To be born again, you must first admit your sins and completely forsake them. Then you must believe and surrender wholly to the Lord Jesus Christ as your only Saviour. When you do this, you are born again.

We are all created by God, but until you get born again, you are NOT a child of God(John 1:12). Being born again gives you an eternal inheritance in Christ. You cannot make it to Heaven without Jesus Christ. You cannot have Life without Jesus Christ.

Today, please make up your mind to forsake sin and accept Jesus Christ. You must get born again and live for God.

If you are not yet truly born again, please pray and ask Jesus to save you. Genuinely repent from your sins and ask the Lord to forgive you. Ask Him to come and dwell in your heart. You must be born again. It is very important.

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