Breakfast With Christ - Atmosphere For Miracles
Welcome to BWC. Miracles are supernatural occurrences which transcend natural laws. The Bible is full of such divine supernatural occurrences. God is the God of miracles. To experience miracles from God, we need to create the atmosphere for such miracles in our lives.
One thing that is needed for a miracle to occur in our lives is belief. The Bible recorded that Jesus couldn't do many miracles in His hometown because of their unbelief(Mark 6:1-6). They simply didn't believe in Him.
Are you expecting a miracle from God? You must believe that God is able to perform His word in your life. Doubts are enemies of miracles. You must believe and not doubt. Don't let the situations around you discourage you. Just believe in God and He won't fail you.
One reason we we don't receive so much from God is that we give up too easily. We pray for few days and when we don't see any change, we stop praying. Consistency in prayer is needed if we are to live in the atmosphere of miracles.
Pray and don't stop praying. Don't give up on prayer. Prayer does wonders. Prayer unlock doors. If you have relaxed in your prayer life, please wake up now and begin to pray. A lot of things go wrong when we don't pray. Constant prayer will unlock doors for you.
To live in the atmosphere of miracles, we need to live in total obedience to the Word of God. A disobedient child won't receive much from his parents. Same way, a disobedient Christian won't receive much from God.
To receive constant miracles from God, you need to believe in Him. Don't doubt. You need to pray consistently and you also need to walk in obedience to the Word of God.