Breakfast With Christ - Dying To Live
TOPIC: DYING TO LIVE SCRIPTURE: COLOSSIANS 3:5 "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry."
Welcome to BWC. When Jesus Christ died on the Cross at Golgotha, He didn't die alone. He died with all our sins placed on Him. He resurrected on the third day to give us Life. Anyone who accepts Him, has this life.
The secret to living for Jesus Christ every day is to die every day. The life of the Christian is the life of daily self denial. We need to die every day to all sinful desires of our flesh. Our flesh will always desire sin but we cannot satisfy our flesh if we are to live for God.
The human flesh has been corrupted by sin. When Christ died, He renewed our spirits not our flesh. Spiritually, we have the Life of God. Jesus did the bigger part of the work for us. The rest is up to us. Dying to our fleshy desires is our work not God's work.
God won't kill our fleshy desires for us. If you are a Christian, you will still be tempted to fornicate, steal, or partake in evil acts but you can't live for God if you continue to satisfy your flesh. We need to put to death all these sinful desires if we are to have a victorious Christian life.
Dying to the flesh isn't a one-off event. It is something we need to do every day. We need to wake up every day and ask God to help us overcome the temptation to sin. We need to deny ourselves of all the pleasures of this world and live for God. That is what God expects from us. If we don't die to our sinful desires and live for God, Heaven will be beyond us.
PRAYER LINE Lord, please help me to die to my sinful desires every day so that I can live for you. Amen