Breakfast With Christ - The God Who Restores
“So I will restore to you the years
that the swarming locust has eaten"
Welcome to BWC. Joel 2 records an amazing promise God gave to His people. This promise to restore came after the people of God had gone four long years without any harvest because of disobedience.
God is the God who is able to restore us. We see this in the story of Job. Job had lost everything. Job might have felt broken, defeated and forsaken but he never lost faith in God. At the end, God restored to him all that he lost(Job 42).
What is the state of your relationship with God? Has sin taken you far from God? God can restore you today. If you feel far from God, remember you were the one who moved away. God can restore you back to His Glory if only you will repent genuinely.
Is your health broken? Are you battling a chronic illness? God is our divine healer. He can restore your health if only you have faith in Him. Do you believe God can heal you? If you can believe the impossible, God will do the impossible in your life.
God can restore your broken family. Perhaps your marriage or relationship is on the verge of collapsing, hand it over to God in prayer today. God can restore it. He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, there is nothing impossible for Him.
What is your state in life? Whatever the issue is God can restore you. All is not lost. Call upon God today and He shall deliver you. He is the God who restores.