Breakfast With Christ - Who Is Your God?
"...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."
Welcome to BWC. In Daniel 11, Daniel spent time prophesying about the terrible and difficult reign of three kings. These wicked kings were going to cause a lot of destruction to God's people. According to Daniel, those who will survive and stand strong are those who know their God.
Who or what is your God/god? It is obvious that the world is in difficult times. The love of many have grown cold. Wickedness is on the rise. There is negativity all around us. In these perilous times, it is very important that we have a strong relationship with God.
Unfortunately, many of us have created and are serving our own gods even without knowing it. For some of us, humans have become our gods. For some too, money and material things have become our gods. We value money more than Jehovah. We worship materialism.
We deceive ourselves that we worship the almighty God but our loyalty and heart aren't with God. Other things have become more important to us that God. Some people in our lives have taken the place of God. Which God/god do you really worship? Is Jehovah your God?
In these difficult times, those who will stand are those who have Jehovah as their God. If you put your trust in money, it will fail you. If you put your trust in humans, they will fail you. If you put your trust in any other god apart from Jehovah, that idol will fail you.
You must define your relationship with God. Nothing, no one must take the place of God in your life. Your priority has to be God. Get closer to God and He will get closer to you. Hold on to Jehovah. Let Him be your only God. In your most difficult moments in life, only God can help you. Is Jehovah your God?