Breakfast With Christ - Total Surrender
TOPIC: TOTAL SURRENDER SCRIPTURE: JAMES 4:7 " Submit yourselves, then, to God..."
Welcome to BWC. To surrender is to yield yourself to a higher power. To have a fruitful walk with God, we need to totally surrender our lives to God. God demands total surrender, not partial surrender.
Total surrender is when you leave everything in God's hands and live in in His Will. God has to get complete control over your life. Total surrender starts from true repentance.
To surrender totally to God, we must forsake our sins. Sin no longer needs to be a lifestyle choice we make each day. Sin is pleasurable but dangerous. Sin has consequences. We must give up on sin and give our lives totally to God.
Total surrender requires that we make God the topmost priority in our lives. We must complete obey God. His service must be our joy. We must live in His Will. When you totally surrender to God, you no longer do what will make you happy but what will please God.
If there is any sin holding you back from totally surrendering to God, please repent from that sin today and allow the Lord to have complete control over your life. Choose the path of righteousness and live in holiness.
It is time you surrendered your life to Jesus Christ. It is time you surrendered your family, your job, your relationships and your health to God. Let God take control. Let the Spirit of the Lord lead you in life. You can't do it alone. You need God.