Breakfast With Christ - Living Like Jesus
TOPIC: LIVING LIKE JESUS SCRIPTURE: 1 John 2:6 "the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked".
Welcome to BWC. Every Christian has the spirit of God living in him/her. As followers of Christ, we must live like Christ. The character of Christ must be clearly evident in our lives. Today, we look at three ways we can live like Christ.
LOVE LIKE JESUS One of the most important attributes of Jesus' life on earth was the love he showed everyone. Jesus was kind and compassionate towards the poor. It was that love that drove Him to the cross to die for our sins.
It is quite impossible to be a follower of Jesus Christ if you don't have love in you. Jesus Himself preached love. We must love one another. Spirituality without love is empty. If we want to live like Christ, we need to genuinely show love to everyone around us even those who don't deserve it.
WALK IN OBEDIENCE LIKE JESUS To live like Jesus, we need to walk in obedience to the word of God. Jesus Christ, whilst on Earth obeyed every Word of the Father. Jesus did the Father's Will. That is obedience. We cannot be Christians if we don't obey the Word of God. We must learn to walk in obedience to the Word of God. God hates disobedience.
BE HUMBLE LIKE JESUS Jesus Christ came on to this earth as the Son of God. He was both God and man. But his divinity didn't stop Him from being humble. He served. He ate with the poor. He humbled himself even to death on the Cross.
The Bible says "pride goes before a fall"(Proverbs 16:18). One of the things that easily destroys us is pride. Pride is dangerous. A true follower of Christ must be humble. To live like Christ, you must not allow arrogance and pride to grow roots in your heart.
The goal of Christianity is to become more like Jesus each day. To do this, we must allow God to develop the character of Christ in us. If we say we are Christians, then our lives must reflect the character of Jesus Christ.