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Breakfast With Christ - Eternal Security




"...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling".

We live in a world with so many uncertainties. Anything is possible at any time. So we often buy insurance policies to secure ourselves against any unfortunate eventualities. But have you considered having an eternal insurance policy for your soul?

We often have insurance policies for our lives, our families, our businesses and our future. Unfortunately, many a time, we forget about our soul. What happens when you suddenly die? Where will you spend eternity? Do you have any insurance policy for your soul?

No one on earth can offer you an eternal security for your soul. Only Jesus can. Jesus Christ is bigger than any insurance policy. You can buy an insurance policy to secure your life on earth, but if you don't work on having an insurance for your soul, you will have a lot of problems when you die.

Jesus Christ is our only eternal security. Being saved and washed by the Blood of Christ is the only way you can secure your soul for eternity. You cannot have an eternal life without Jesus Christ.

Today, I want to encourage you to spend time working on your salvation. It has to be a priority. In the end of time, all your earthly achievements and certificates will become useless, only your salvation will matter. Please don't joke with your salvation.

All the things you cherish today, won't matter when you get into eternity. Your family won't matter. Your friends won't matter. Your certificates won't matter. The only thing that will matter is your salvation. You must have a life in Christ. Life is short, please don't take your salvation for granted.

+233 244453421

+233 541649981

+233 546260930

Accra, Ghana

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