Breakfast With Christ - When The Righteous Falls
"for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again..."
Welcome to BWC. The Christian life is anything but easy. There are lots of temptations and difficulties along the way. Sometimes, we fall into temptations and sin against our God. So what happens when we fall?
First, we need to understand that none of us is above falling into temptations. The Bible is full of great men of God who fell at a point in time. Adam, Abraham, King David and Apostle Peter are but a few. No matter how holy you may think you are, you can fall. We can all fall.
The only way to respond when you fall in your christian walk is to get up. When a child who is learning to walk for the first time falls, the child gets up and keeps walking. When you fall into temptation, you must get up and approach God in repentance.
When you fall, don't remain fallen. When you fall, don't wallow in self pity and guilt. When you fall, don't feel ashamed to get back to God. Don't let the guilt of the sin make you remain in the sin. God is willing to forgive you if you are willing to repent.
You are not too dirty for God. You are not too sinful to repent. You are the reason Jesus came to die. Please don't remain in your sins. The longer you remain in a sin, the further you move away from God. Please get up today.
You have remained in that sin for too long. You have remained in that sinful relationship for too long. You have held on to that sinful habit for too long. Please get up and return to the Lord today. It is not too late for you.
Apostle Peter fell but he got up and returned to the Lord. King David fell but He fasted and repented. When the righteous fall, they get up. You won't fulfil your destiny on earth if you continue to remain in that sin. Please get up now and return to God in repentance.