The Day Of Accountability
A day is coming when the young and the old, the poor and the rich, the educated, and the uneducated will stand before the King of Kings to give account of their earthly lives.
It is appointed unto man once to die after this judgement(Hebrews 9:27). None of us can run away from this day. It is the grand day of accountability. It is the Lord's Judgement day. On that day, it won't matter who you are, you will stand before the Judgement Throne of God.
How prepared are you for that great day? What will you tell God you did with your life? What account will you give to God? Will you stand guilty or you wil stand justified before the Lord? Will God find you to be a faithful Christian or He will find you guilty of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ?
How are you living your life now? Are you sure the life you are living now will take you to Heaven? Are you living for God or you are living for yourself? Mind you, there is no repentance on that day.
On the day of accountability, we will come face to face with the God of justice. The anger of God will be against all who died in their sins. The righteous who died in the Lord shall receive their rewards. It is a fearful day for sinners and a joyful day for the righteous.
Has sin become your daily lifestyle? Please you must repent. If you are reading this now, then it is not too late for you to change your ways. You cannot pass the great judgement of God if you are a sinner.
You need Jesus Christ. You need to be saved. Don't live in sin. Sin will only lead you to eternal destruction. Please seek God today in repentance. The day of accountability is near. Get ready. Be prepared.