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Breakfast With Christ - Who Are Your Friends?




"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend".

Welcome to BWC. In our quest to live for God and please Him, one of the aspects of our lives we need to pay attention to is our relationships. As the popular saying goes "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are".

It is difficult to grow in the Lord if you surround yourself with people who cannot help you to grow. Our associations and relationships are very important in our spiritual growth.

It is quite simple, if you want to walk in holiness, surround yourself with people who also fear the Lord and want to obey Him. You must avoid people who distract your attention away from God. You must avoid sinful relationships.

A lot of Christians backslide because they have surrounded themselves with the wrong people. People who constantly lead you into sin are people you need to avoid if you want to please God. You must develop healthy Christian relationships.

For some of us, our love relationships have become sinful and lustful because we are with partners who don't fear God. You cannot please God if you are in a sinful relationship.

Friends have impact on our lives. It is very important we walk with the right people. People who will encourage us to live for God. People who will draw us closer to our Maker. People who will helps us reach our goals in life.

Who are your friends? Are they drawing you closer to God or they're influencing you to sin? Is your lover pushing you into immorality or he/she is pushing you to God? Remember, the wrong relationships will destroy your life. Please choose your friends carefully.

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