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Breakfast With Christ - God Still Answers Prayers


TOPIC: GOD STILL ANSWERS PRAYERS SCRIPTURE: JOHN 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it".

Does God still answers prayers? You are likely to have varied answers if you should pose this question to Christians. We have read from the scriptures about instances when God answered the prayers of His people. But does He still answer prayers today?

John 14:14 was a promise Jesus Christ gave to His followers. The Lord promised to do anything His followers will ask God if they should ask in His name. That promise still holds today. If we ask God anything in the name of Jesus, God will do it for us.

Perhaps you are wondering why God hasn't answered all your prayers since you started praying years ago. There is one thing we need to understand about God. He is sovereign. His Will and timing are supreme. God only answers prayers according to His sovereign Will and divine timing.

God has a plan for all of us. He knows what is best for each of us. His plans for our lives are bound by His divine timing. God only grants our requests according to His own timing. If God hasn't answered your prayer yet, perhaps, it is not yet time.

Another thing we must understand is that for God to answer our prayers, we need to walk according to His ways. We must live in Christ. We cannot live in sin and expect God to answer our prayers. No. A child of God must live in obedience to the Word of God.

Today, I want to urge you to continue praying. Don't listen to that lie that God doesn't answer prayers anymore. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He hasn't changed. God never changes. Keep praying and believing, God will answer you when the time is right.

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