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Breakfast With Christ - A Home Called Heaven




"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me."

"In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also".

Welcome to BWC. There is hope in Christ Jesus. Hope that one day, after all our toils and pains on this earth, we will have eternal rest in Heaven. We are all visitors on this earth. We won't stay here forever.

It is very important that we live each day reminding ourselves that there is a place to go after we exit this world. Heaven is an eternal home for those who lived and died in Christ.

Heaven is a holy place where no sin shall enter. If you are still living in unrepentant sin, remember, you're risking your eternal life. The penalty for missing Heaven is a place in an eternal fire which burns without an end. Hell is not a place to be.

It will be a great tragedy to go through all the pains and troubles of this world and still end up in hell fire because of sin. We all have a decision to make. A decision to either live for God and go to Heaven or live in sin and spend eternity in Hell fire.

God certainly wants us to come to Him when we leave this earth. But that decision remains ours. Heaven is only a Home for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are living for Him.

It is not enough to profess to be a Christian. It is not enough to pick your Bible and go to church each week. It is not enough to just pray. We must live each day for God. We must be true born again Christians.

We cannot continue to choose our personal pleasure over God each day and say Heaven is our home. No. Going to Heaven isn't that cheap. It takes a lot of self denial and holiness to get to Heaven.

Today, you must decide where you will spend your eternity. If you want Heaven to be your home, then you must live for Jesus Christ now. You must walk in holiness.

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