Breakfast With Christ - Do You Believe?
"Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
Welcome to BWC. Our scripture for today is taken from a conversation Jesus had with Thomas after He resurrected. Thomas doubted the story of Jesus' resurrection until he got to see Jesus.
The truth is, it is not easy to believe what you can't see. Humans as we are, we are driven by our sensual experiences. *For the world "seeing is believing" but when you are walking with God you must first believe before you see it.
It is difficult to believe God is with you when you are going through very difficult moments. It is difficult to believe you are healed when you can still feel the pains. It is difficult to believe God loves you when all you are experiencing in your life now are disappointments and heartbreaks.
Today God is asking you to just believe. Faith is believing in what you can't see. Faith is believing in the impossible. We don't worship God through our senses, without faith, it is impossible to please God.
Blessed are they who have not seen yet they believe. You must believe God has a plan for your life though you don't know what the plan is. You might be going through some difficult moments now but you must believe God is able to deliver you.
You might be struggling with some chronic illness now, there seems to be no end to it but you must believe God is your healer. You must believe it is well with you. You must believe in God. So do you believe?
Do you believe God can save you from that mess? Do you believe God can make a way for you? Do you believe God is able to deliver you from that trouble? If you can believe in the impossible, God will do the impossible in your life.
You must believe. It is not about what you see or feel now, it is about what God can do in your life if only you can believe. So do you believe?
Lord, I believe. Amen