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Breakfast With Christ - Watch And Pray


SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Welcome to BWC. Prayer is an important element in the life of the believer. No believer can grow in God without praying. In our scripture today, Jesus Christ gave us one simple but crucial advice; "watch and pray".

Jesus Christ was quite aware of the many challenges and temptations we will be facing in our Christian lives so He gave us the solution: PRAYER. The importance of prayer in the life of the believer cannot be underestimated.

The reason many of us Christians still continue to struggle with sin daily is that we don't have a consistent prayer life. We live in the flesh. The flesh will always want to sin. The only way we can control the sinful desires of our flesh is if we give ourselves to constant prayer.

The more you spend time with God in prayer, the less likely you are to sin. When the Holy presence of God saturates your life, sin becomes less appealing to you. You need to have a prayer life.

Aside the casual and hasty three minutes of prayer you normally go through in the morning before leaving home, when was the last time you had a proper personal prayer time with God? Sin grows in our lives when we take prayer for granted.

Prayer empowers us to live for God. Prayer is our weapon against all satanic plans. You cannot be a serious Christian if you don't have a consistent prayer life. If you are not praying, then you are playing. Even Jesus Christ prayed when he was on earth, what more you and me?

Today, please develop a daily personal prayer time with God. Make praying a priority in your life. You must spend time with God daily. Prayer can do a lot of things for you. Never, ever stop praying. Let prayer become your life.

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