Breakfast With Christ - Jesus: The Chain Breaker
"Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed".
Everyone desires freedom. No one wants to be in a bondage. Unfortunately, some of us find ourselves in chains of sin and addictions. It could be alcohol, drug addiction or sexual addictions such as masturbation, pornography and sex. These are all sinful chains that hold us back from our God.
Addictions are habitual sins. We commit them repeatedly. It is extremely difficult to break away from a sinful addiction. But the good news is that the Blood of Jesus Christ can break every addiction over your life. There is nothing God cannot do.
If you are in this situation, God has a message for you today. He can set you free. Jesus Christ can break that chain of sin over your life. That particular sin that has kept you enslaved for all these while can be broken. You can be free in Jesus name.
For a lot of Christians, these addictions are secret sins in our lives. Truth is, nothing destroys a Christian faster than a secret sin. You might have tried your best to stop committing that sin and you have been failing. This time, allow the Lord Jesus Christ to help you.
All you need to do is to genuinely repent from that addiction and surrender totally to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ must become the Lord of your life. You must give yourself wholly to consistent prayer and Bible study. Allow Jesus to cleanse your heart and your mind.
Our minds are the battlefields of our lives. We must surrender the control of our minds to God. We must stop focusing on satisfying our flesh at the expense of pleasing God. So long as we continue to focus on our personal pleasure, we will continue to be slaves of sin. We must be spiritually disciplined.
Addictions are dangerous. Today, I urge you to surrender your life totally to Jesus Christ. Allow Him to cleanse your life. He can set you free from that sin. You can be free from that alcohol addiction. You can be free from that drug addiction. You can be free from those sexual addictions. Jesus can make you free.