Breakfast With Christ - A Fresh Beginning
"Then they all forsook Him and fled"
One of the strange aspects of the Easter story is that out of the twelve disciples Jesus had, none of them stood with Him during His moments of trial. Judas gave Him the kiss of betrayal. Peter denied Him three times. The other ten disciples all fled away when Jesus was arrested. The reason was obvious; they were scared for their own lives.
Each of Jesus' disciples betrayed Him. Despite all the miracles they had seen, they still abandoned Him when their lives were threatened. In today's world, we would have said they had backslided. They all fell. But the story didn't end there.
When Jesus resurrected, He gave the disciples who abandoned Him, the opportunity of a fresh beginning. Jesus of course forgave them including Peter.
You may have backslided in your own way, you may have fallen to sin. Perhaps, your spiritual walk with God is weak. May be you don't pray as much as you used to or you might have fallen back into a sin you have repented from.
Whatever the case is, today, God is offering you the chance of a fresh beginning with Him. God is ever merciful. He forgives anyone who repents genuinely and seek Him. You cannot be a partial Christian. You need to return to the Lord today.
Peter was the chief disciple but he fell. He repented and became the leader of the Body of Christ. It is not too late for you today. But tomorrow might be too late. You must get back to God today and make peace with your Maker.
Let nothing discourage or stop you. God is waiting for you to repent and seek Him again. Please make that decision today. Sin has no benefits only eternal destruction. Please have a fresh beginning with God today.